Volumetric Feeder for Versatile Metering

Dec. 16, 2010

The high-performance Volumetric Feeder incorporates two independently-driven metering augers with a dual agitator flow-inducing mechanism to provide highly versatile metering and hoppering capabilities over an exceptionally wide feed range. Suitable

The high-performance Volumetric Feeder incorporates two independently-driven metering augers with a dual agitator flow-inducing mechanism to provide highly versatile metering and hoppering capabilities over an exceptionally wide feed range. Suitable for continuous or batching applications, the feeder eliminates the undesirable if not burdensome task of changing the size of the metering auger whenever a wide feed range is required. Additionally, the unit provides both high and low feed outputs for batching applications. In a batching mode, a larger metering auger feeds the majority of the material for the selected batch weight and a smaller metering auger provides the final “dribble” amount so that the highest degree of batch cut-off accuracy can be achieved.

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